Apples in a cup

Did you know?

That you can get your own web page at JU?  Click here.

That you can access the H:\ and S:\ from off campus?  Very handy for commuter students or working from home during breaks!  Click here.

If writing papers is a big part of your future, then you need a program called Endnote.  It's the best thing I've found so far.  It automatically formats either your Footnotes or Endnotes, whichever you choose, and it automatically formats your bibliography!  No more spending hours trying to figure out SBL style, Turabian, APA, Chicago....  What's more, you can tap into libraries around the world and download the bibliography information.  It works wonderfully with Microsoft Word, but if you're a Wordperfect fan it's not as easy to use.  Personally, I'm still using an older version that works with Wordperfect.  There's a free 30-day trial at the Endnote website.  If anyone knows of anything as good as it, I'd love to know!