Apples in a cup


You will need to install the free Teknia Greek font in order for these letters to display properly.

Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Zz Hh Qq Ii Kk Ll Mm Nn Xx Oo Pp Rr SsV Tt Uu Ff Cc Yy Ww

Learn to pronounce the Greek alphabet with this MP3 file. (also available on the S:\Darris Brock\Bible Tools\ at JU).

The seven red letters, Alpha, Epsilon, Eta, Iota, Omicron, Upsilon, and Omega are the seven vowels. Notice that Sigma has three forms. Learn to pronounce them in alphabetical order and to write them all as well. You may click on any of the letters below to see a video of me writing the letters.

Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Zz Hh Qq Ii Kk Ll Mm Nn Xx Oo Pp Rr SsV Tt Uu Ff Cc Yy Ww
(also available on the S:\Darris Brock\Greek Writing Video\).

Here's an example of the written alphabet test, and here's a blank page you can print and practice with.

This is a PDF file of the exercises that will be required for the Greek portion of the class.